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Latent Variable Models 2003,4Ed 下载

Latent Variable Models - An Introduction to Factor, Path, and Structural Equation Analysis,4th Edition,2003
The introduction from Amazon:

Review Overall this is an excellent book and has served as a standard textbook for many years....The section on power is really terrific....Loehlin addresses complex topics very clearly.
Jodie Ullman, Ph.D.
California State University, San Bernadino
The uniqueness of Loehlin's book is to mainly use path diagrams with minimum or no equations in presenting the structural equation model (SEM) and factor analysis (FA) model. This is good for students who do not have a lot of statistical or mathematical background.
Ke-Hai Yuan, Ph.D.
Notre Dame University

Product DescriptionThis book introduces multiple-latent variable models by utilizing path diagrams to explain the underlying relationships in the models. This approach helps less mathematically inclined students grasp the underlying relationships between path analysis, factor analysis, and structural equation modeling more easily. A few sections of the book make use of elementary matrix algebra. An appendix on the topic is provided for those who need a review. The author maintains an informal style so as to increase the book's accessibility. Notes at the end of each chapter provide some of the more technical details. The book is not tied to a particular computer program, but special attention is paid to LISREL, EQS, AMOS, ……



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