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〖 PLS-Graph视频〗》
〖Amos 21.0 永久授权号〗
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(1)Structured latent curve models
The LISREL CO command has been extended to include the exponential (EXP) and natural logarithm (LOG) operators as well as parentheses. This allows LISREL users to fit, for example, the structured latent curve models outlined in Browne (1993).

(2)Factor analysis of ordinal variables
Classical exploratory factor analysis assumes that the observed variables are continuous. The PRELIS OFA command implements exploratory factor analysis of ordinal variables as described in Jöreskog & Moustaki (2006).

(3)Generalized linear models (GLIMs) for multilevel data
The new statistical application MAPGLIM fits generalized linear models to multilevel data. Users can select from the multinomial, Bernoulli, Poisson, binomial, negative binomial, Normal, Gamma and inverse Gaussian sampling distributions. The corresponding link functions include the log, cumulative logit, cumulative probit, complementary log-log and logit link functions.

(4)Observational residuals
Bollen and Arminger (1991) introduced observational residuals for structural equation models. LISREL 8.8 for Windows allows users to compute observational residuals along with latent variable scores for the latent variables of the model. This implementation is described and illustrated in Jöreskog, Sörbom & Wallentin (2006)

(5)Writing parameter estimates, standard error estimates and measures of fit to a PSF
The PV, SV and GF keywords on the LISREL OU command or the SIMPLIS LISREL output command have been extended to allow users to save the parameter estimates, standard error estimates and measures of fit to a PSF. This is especially useful for Monte Carlo studies.

(6)Changes to the graphical user interface (GUI)
The main window of LISREL 8.8 for Windows is now entitled LISREL for Windows. The revised Export Data option on the File menu of the main window allows users to export data to various data formats such as SPSS, SAS, SYSTAT, Statistica, etc.



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