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本帖最后由 deligent84 于 2012-4-17 20:55 编辑

Mplus是一个统计建模软件,是目前最流行、也是功能最强大的结构方程分析软件。Mplus由Linda Muthén & Bengt Muthén开发,他们致力于为研究者提供了一个灵活的工具来分析数据,提供了多种选择,具有易于使用的图形界面和展示数据分析结果的模式,估计和算法。Mplus允许一起分析横断面和纵向数据,单层和多层数据,来自不同的母体的数据,无论可见或不可见的异质。可分析可见的变量是continuous, censored, binary, ordered categorical (ordinal), unordered categorical (nominal), counts或这些变量类型的组合。

1. Introductory - advanced factor analysis and structural equation modeling with continuous outcomes.

Topic 1-v11.pdf (687.79 KB, 售价: 2 个论坛币) 昨天 20:35 上传 售价: 2 个论坛币

2. Introductory - advanced regression analysis, IRT, factor analysis and structural equation modeling with categorical, censored, and count outcomes

Topic 2-v14.pdf (462.65 KB, 售价: 2 个论坛币) 昨天 20:37 上传 售价: 2 个论坛币

3. Introductory and intermediate growth modeling

Topic 3-v.pdf (593.29 KB, 售价: 2 个论坛币) 昨天 20:37 上传 售价: 2 个论坛币

4. Advanced growth modeling, missing data analysis, and survival analysis.

Topic 4-v.pdf (716.52 KB, 售价: 2 个论坛币) 昨天 20:37 上传 售价: 2 个论坛币

5. Categorical latent variable modeling with cross-sectional data.

Topic5-v4.pdf (661.33 KB, 售价: 2 个论坛币) 昨天 20:36 上传 售价: 2 个论坛币

6. Categorical latent variable modeling with longitudinal data.

Topic6-v7.pdf (1.68 MB, 售价: 2 个论坛币) 昨天 20:37 上传 售价: 2 个论坛币

7. Multilevel modeling of cross-sectional data.

Topic 7-v25.pdf (636.66 KB, 售价: 2 个论坛币) 昨天 20:37 上传 售价: 2 个论坛币

8. Multilevel modeling of longitudinal data.

Topic 8-v17.pdf (1.11 MB, 售价: 2 个论坛币) 昨天 20:37 上传 售价: 2 个论坛币

9. Bayesian analysis using Mplus.

Topic9-v18.pdf (977 KB, 售价: 2 个论坛币) 昨天 20:37 上传 售价: 2 个论坛币



sunwq2007 发表于 2012-4-17 21:08 不错!!!



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