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用AMOS作结构方程的圣典最新2010版Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS

Structural Equation Modeling With AMOS: Basic Concepts, Applications, and Programming, Second Edition (Multivariate Applications Series)
Author: Barbara M. Byrne  

Editorial Reviews
"This … much anticipated and timely updating of the widely read first edition … is characterized by the same strengths … including the thorough and accessible presentation of a comprehensive range of topics based on real empirical data. Dr. Byrne's book is indispensable to any applied researcher using these techniques in practice." - Patrick Curran, University of North Carolina, USA
"This second edition a must have for clearly understandable input and examples on applying structural equation modeling with AMOS. Barbara Byrne has most certainly written another best seller." - Lisa Harlow, University of Rhode Island, USA
"Dr. Byrne's first edition … was a model of clarity, written specifically for beginners.  This new edition continues her tradition of excellence." - Roger E. Millsap, Arizona State University, USA
"An indispensable text will prove to be an excellent resource for students, researchers, and academics." - Jan Bogg, University of Liverpool, UK
"Starting from the basics to advanced SEM tools, Byrne unveils and explains all the potentiality of SEM and how to use it. Both experts and newcomers to SEM who want to use AMOS will find this book extremely helpful." - Francesco Chirico, University of Lugano, Switzerland

Product Description
This bestselling text provides a practical guide to the basic concepts of structural equation modeling (SEM) and the AMOS program (Versions 17 & 18). The author reviews SEM applications based on actual data taken from her research. Noted for its non-mathematical language, this book is written for the novice SEM user. With each chapter, the author "walks" the reader through all steps involved in testing the SEM model including:

an explanation of the issues addressed

an illustration of the hypothesized and posthoc models tested

AMOS input and output with accompanying interpretation and explanation

The function of the AMOS toolbar icons and their related pull-down menus

The data and published reference upon which the model was based.

With over 50% new material, highlights of the new edition include:

All new screen shots featuring Version 17 of the AMOS program 

All data files now available at www.psypress.com/sem-with-amos

Application of a multitrait-mulitimethod model, latent growth curve model, and second-order model based on categorical data

All applications based on the most commonly used graphical interface

The automated multi-group approach to testing for equivalence

The book opens with an introduction to the fundamental concepts of SEM and the basics of the AMOS program. The next 3 sections present applications that focus on single-group, multiple-group, and multitrait-mutimethod and latent growth curve models. The book concludes with a discussion about non-normal and missing (incomplete) data and  two applications capable of addressing these issues.

Intended for researchers, practitioners, and students who use SEM and AMOS in their work, this book is an ideal resource for graduate level courses on SEM taught in departments of psychology, education, business, and other social and health sciences and/or as a supplement in courses on applied statistics, multivariate statistics, statistics II, intermediate or advanced statistics, and/or research design. Appropriate for those with limited or no previous exposure to SEM, a prerequisite of basic statistics through regression analysis is recommended.

Product Details
Paperback: 416 pages
Publisher: Routledge Academic; 2 edition (2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9780805863734
ISBN-13: 978-0805863734
ASIN: 0805863737
Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 6 x 1.1 inches

Preface  ................................................................................................................xv
Acknowledgments  ..........................................................................................xix

I:  Section  Introduction
1  Chapter Structural equation models: The basics  ................................. 3
Basic concepts  ..................................................................................................... 4
Endnotes  ............................................................................................................ 15
2  Chapter Using the AMOS program  ...................................................... 17

II:  Section  Applications in single-group analyses
3  Chapter Testing for the factorial validity of a  
theoretical construct (First-order CFA model)  .................... 53
4  Chapter Testing for the factorial validity of scores  
from a measuring instrument  
(First-order CFA model)  ........................................................... 97
5  Chapter Testing for the factorial validity of scores from a
measuring instrument (Second-order CFA model)  ..........129
6  Chapter Testing for the validity of a causal structure .................... 161

III:  Section  Applications in multiple-group analyses
7  Chapter Testing for the factorial equivalence of  
scores from a measuring instrument  
8  Chapter Testing for the equivalence of latent  
mean structures (First-order CFA model)  .......................... 231
9  Chapter Testing for the equivalence of a causal structure  ............. 257
Cross-validation in covariance structure modeling ................................. 257

IV:  Section  Other important applications
10   Chapter Testing for construct validity:  
The multitrait-multimethod model  ................................... 275
11   Chapter Testing for change over time: The latent growth
curve model  ............................................................................303

V:  Section  Other important topics
12  Chapter Bootstrapping as an aid to  
nonnormal data  ....................................................................... 329
13  Chapter Addressing the issue of missing  
data  .............................................................................................353

References ....................................................................................................... 367
Author Index  ................................................................................................... 385
Subject Index  ................................................................................................... 391






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