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Using LISREL for Structural Equation Modeling

2013-8-20 03:15:25 上传 Using LISREL for Structural Equation Modeling 35 个论坛币 Using LISREL for Structural Equation Modeling A Researcher's Guide E. Kevin Kelloway 160 pages SAGE Publications, Inc A highly readable introduction, Using LISREL for Structural Equation Modeling is for researchers and graduate students in the social sciences who require structural equation modeling techniques to answer substantive research questions. Author E. Kevin Kelloway provides an overview of structural equation modeling including the theory and logic of structural equation models (SEMs), assessing the "fit" of SEMs to the data, and implementation of SEMs in the LISREL environment. Specific applications of SEMs are considered including confirmatory factor analysis, observed variable path analysis, and latent variable path analysis. A sample application including the source code, printout, and results section is presented for each type of analysis. Tricks of the trade for structural equation modeling are presented including the use of single indicator latent variable and reducing the cognitive complexity of models.


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