结构方程论坛SEM-Structural·Equation·Modeling's Archiver

semchina 发表于 2011-12-13 16:13

A Note on Structural Equation Modeling Estimates of Reliability

Reliability can be estimated using structural equation modeling (SEM). Two potential problems
with this approach are that estimates may be unstable with small sample sizes and biased with
misspecified models. A Monte Carlo study was conducted to investigate the quality of SEM
estimates of reliability by themselves and relative to coefficient alpha. The SEM approach showed
minimal bias when the model was correctly specified if items were relatively well defined by
their underlying factor(s). They tended to demonstrate somewhat greater bias when the model was
misspecified, particularly underspecified.Overall, SEMestimates were more stable than anticipated.
Researchers are more likely to obtain accurate estimates of reliability using SEM by conducting
large-sample studies with well-constructed scales and critically assessing model fit.

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