结构方程论坛SEM-Structural·Equation·Modeling's Archiver

semchina 发表于 2011-12-13 16:08

Structural Equation Models of Latent Interactions

Structural Equation Models of
Latent Interactions: An Appropriate
Standardized Solution and Its Scale-Free

Standardized parameter estimates are routinely used to summarize the results of multiple regression
models of manifest variables and structural equation models of latent variables, because they
facilitate interpretation. Although the typical standardization of interaction terms is not appropriate
for multiple regression models, straightforward alternatives are well known (Aiken & West, 1991;
Friedrich, 1982). Whereas the analogous problem exists for the estimation of latent interactions in
structural equation modeling (SEM), the problem is more complex and apparently has not been
resolved. Here we demonstrate that the appropriate “standardized” parameter estimates are easily
formulated from parameter estimates routinely available from existing SEM software packages.
Some properties of the appropriate “standardized” solution are mathematically derived, including
the demonstration that the main and interaction effects are scale-free, as are the factor loadings.
These desirable properties of the standardized solution are illustrated with a simulation data set
using the unconstrained approach (Marsh, Wen, & Hau, 2004) to estimating latent interactions.
These results support the use of the appropriate “standardized” solutions in interpreting and
comparing SEM estimates of latent interactions.



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