本文刚研究AMOS和结构方程模型两天,就想应付一下毕业论文。我研究的是购物网站服务质量、顾客信任和顾客满意的关系研究,把顾客信任作为中介变量。我把模型建好后,点击模型估计时出现这种错误提示,不知道怎么回事。An error occured while attempting to fit the modle.
In order to analyse data with missing observations,you must explicitly estimate means and intercepts.
In Amos Graphics,place a check mark next to “Estimate means and intercepts "in the "Analysis Properties"window.
In programming the Amos engine,use the Model Means And Intercepts method.
淘宝网购物自动返论坛币 That means your data have missing values.
You just need to Click alt="" />
That means your data have missing values.
You just need to Click on "View", and then click on "Anal ...谢谢!英文水平挺高的,呵呵。如果有不懂的再问你,非常感谢!