[i] 本帖最后由 zouhm888 于 2011-8-30 10:56 编辑 [/i]接触AMOS不久,在做区分效度时,潜变量相关系数自由估值时可以做出结果,但赋值为1时,提示出现错误“An erro occured while attempting to fit the model. Either the constraints on the parameters of the initial parameter values are bad.This erro can occur, for example, if you request a maximum likelihood solution while specifying initial parameter values that prevent the population covariance matrix form being positive definite. Check to make sure that every endogenous variable has a residual variable(error variable) associated with it”。我已经检查过每个观察变量都是有残差的。请问各位高手这是什么问题啊,要怎么补救?万分感激!!