<p></p><p>John Wiley & Sons - Structural Equation Modeling - A Bayesian Approach - 2007</p><p></p>Structural equation modeling (SEM) is a powerful multivariate method allowing the evaluation of a series of simultaneous hypotheses about the impacts of latent and manifest variables on other variables, taking measurement errors into account. As SEMs have grown in popularity in recent years, new models and statistical methods have been developed for more accurate analysis of more complex data. A Bayesian approach to SEMs allows the use of prior information resulting in improved parameter estimates, latent variable estimates, and statistics for model comparison, as well as offering more reliable results for smaller samples. <p>Structural Equation Modeling introduces the Bayesian approach to SEMs, including the selection of prior distributions and data augmentation, and offers an overview of the subject’s recent advances. </p><p></p><ul><li>Demonstrates how to utilize powerful statistical computing tools, including the Gibbs sampler, the Metropolis-Hasting algorithm, bridge sampling and path sampling to obtain the Bayesian results. </li><li>Discusses the Bayes factor and Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) for model comparison. </li><li>Includes coverage of complex models, including SEMs with ordered categorical variables, and dichotomous variables, nonlinear SEMs, two-level SEMs, multisample SEMs, mixtures of SEMs, SEMs with missing data, SEMs with variables from an exponential family of distributions, and some of their combinations. </li><li>Illustrates the methodology through simulation studies and examples with real data from business management, education, psychology, public health and sociology. </li><li>Demonstrates the application of the freely available software WinBUGS via a supplementary website featuring computer code and data sets. </li></ul><p></p><p>Structural Equation Modeling: A Bayesian Approach is a multi-disciplinary text ideal for researchers and students in many areas, including: statistics, biostatistics, business, education, medicine, psychology, public health and social science. </p><p></p><p><!--<img src="http://bbs.pinggu.org/images/attachicons/pdf.gif" border="0" class="absmiddle" alt="" /> <strong>收费附件: 333721.pdf</strong>--><br/></p><p></p> </p><p> </p><p><b>一本结构方程建模方面的好书</b></p> <p>太贵了啊!</p> 谢谢谢谢 呵呵,万分感谢楼主分享,楼上再楼上的同学,这本书,原版在当当网上还卖970块钱呢,原价1175大元啊,呵呵,所以,才五个论坛币,不贵了。感谢楼主分享好东西! 很需要,谢谢楼主! 不错的,好书!!! 听4楼的这么一说,我也买了。经济危机的时候,刺激消费嘛 <strong> 4# <i>solomen313</i> </strong><br /> <br /> 多謝 樓主是伯樂,介紹千里馬給同好後學! 谢谢楼主分享 太好了,感谢您的无私奉献!~ 感谢lz分享 <strong> 1# <i>shenym</i> </strong> 太贵了啊,便宜一些,我要是下到了,就免费上传了。 谢谢楼主分享 好好 学习,天天向上 谢谢楼主。。。。。。。 很想用,但是太贵了吧!~~ 网上有免费的。 谢谢楼主!!!!! 谢谢楼主的分享!!! 好像不要论坛币都可以下呢。页: