在“Make MDM”时出现“level-1.sav is an empty file”的问题,但我用程序自带的例子创建MDM文件时不会出现这样的问题<br /> 还请各位高手帮忙 大侠们快来帮助帮助我吧! 问题已解决,SPSS版本过高导致 Dear baizhixin, be sure that your your data for the different levels of your estimation have the same id for level one id. You must have the same level one id for the orther levels (each level must have an spss data file).<br /> Hope that helps <strong> 4# <i>lahraf</i> </strong> <br /> Thanks for your answer! 到底是什么问题呢,跪求解答。 <strong> 1# <i>baizhixin</i> </strong> <br /> 请问您解决了么,我也遇到了同样的问题,谢谢您指点一下。页: