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结构方程 发表于 2011-7-2 22:33

[分享][求助][讨论][下载]Resource For Learning Lisrel


lisrel 发表于 2011-7-2 22:38

本书前言<br> 本书立意新颖、内容全面。绝大部分章节是已出版的《sPss实用教程》、windows高级应用教程》等书中未曾有的。而巳在操作方面本书以对话框为主,尽可能府上—条相应的命令做对照,便于读者一举两得、好学好用。<br> 依据sPsS的功能模块,本书可分为33篇,共29章。<br> 第l篇(第1章至第7章)是描述性统计。<br> 第2篇(第8章)是两个子总体值比较G<br> 第3篇(第9章)是相关分忻,包括双变量相关(零阶相关)和相关。<br> 第4篇(第10章)是Nonparametric Te5t(非参数检验),用于数据不是正态分而时的检验。<br> 第5篇〔第11章至第12章)是数据精简模块,包括因素分析、优化测量、对应分析、结合分析、可靠性测量(Scale)等,它是市场分析研究篇。<br> <P>第6篇(第13章)是多项选择的统计分析。<br>第7篇r第14章至第t6章)是聚类分类模块.包含各种聚类分析和判别分析。<br> 第8篇(第17章至第19章)是各种对数线性分析。<br> 第9篇梯20章至第22章)是寿命分析。<br> 第10篇(第23章至第25章)是广义线性模型,各种方差分析。<br> 第11篇(第26章至第27章)是逻辑回归)、线性回归(Linear<br>Re9ression)、单位回归等多元回归分析,以及各种非线性回归分析。<br> 第12篇(第28章)是LIsREL结构模型,用于入差—协方差分析,也称为路径分忻。<br> 第13篇(第29章)是快速学习sAs的知识。<br> 特别值得一提的是:<br> 第1章是sPss的语法知识和编辑文件的捷径,也是sPsS的精华部分;通过DATA巳幅T<br>命令输入原始数据才是事半功倍的基本劝,新老读者都应该掌握,特别是新读者,一定要<br>扎扎实实地学,非学不可;至于对话框,应该在数据统计时才使用它。第13章至第12罩<br>是市场调查必他的对应分析、结合分析和出素分析等,是sP3Sr司类书籍的佼佼者。</P> <P>这是封面、目录页:</P> <P><img srctype/rar.gif" border=0>点击浏览该文件</P> <P> </P> 阮桂海等编:统计分析应用教程——SPSS,LISREL &amp; SAS 实例精选  <p align="right"></p>

wmhhotel 发表于 2011-7-2 22:43

Lisrel Tutorial

mischina 发表于 2011-7-2 22:48

lisrel User's Guide

freeshuju 发表于 2011-7-2 22:53


angel 发表于 2011-7-2 22:58

<H4>Getting Started with LISREL 8 and PRELIS 2</H4>

wmhhotel 发表于 2011-7-2 23:03

<H4>SSI - Scientific Software International, Inc. </H4>

lisrel 发表于 2011-7-2 23:08

<H2>LISREL Table of Contents</H2>Click on a topic to skip to that section. <UL> <LI>Introduction <LI>Availability <LI>Getting Started <LI>Documentation <UL> <LI>Built-in Help <LI>Manuals, Guides, Books <LI>Usage Notes (from the Computation Center) <LI>Frequently Asked Questions (at UT Austin) </LI></UL> <LI>Information on the Internet <UL> <LI>Ed Rigdon's SEM pages <LI>Other software and Statistical Information Archives <LI>USENET News Groups </LI></UL> <LI>Getting Help <UL> <LI>Getting help in the SMF <LI>Getting help from the Applications Consultants </LI></UL> <LI>Training <LI>For More Information <LI>LISREL and the year 2000 </LI></UL>

数据分析 发表于 2011-7-2 23:13

<H1>PRELIS and LISREL Tutorial</H1> <P>PRELIS and LISREL were primarily used for structural equation modeling (SEM) and similar analyses (e.g., confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis). However, LISREL is now a comprehensive data analysis application that can be used to perform linear and nonlinear multilevel or hierarchical linear modeling (HLMs), generalized linear modeling, univariate and multivariate censored regression, and formal inference-based recursive modeling. The analysis of complex samples is also available including generalized linear modeling for complex samples and implementation of design weights in multilevel modeling and sampling weights for SEM. </P> <P>Throughout this tutorial, the following three data sets will be used: data.100, ex7.raw, and ex64.cov. The data sets are available here for download. If you have LISREL 8.7 installed locally on your own computer, these and other sample data sets are available as part of the LISREL 8.7 installation.</P> <P>This tutorial is designed specifically to introduce users to the programming language of PRELIS and LISREL. For a detailed overview of SEM and the assumptions of SEM, see the AMOS or Mplus tutorial. </P> <UL> <LI>Getting Started with LISREL 8 and PRELIS 2 </LI></UL> <P>Additional PRELIS and LISREL information may be found on the Web at the ITS FAQs and the Scientific Software International Web site. </P><!-- #EndEditable --> <img src from a SAS data set #3: Reading Adjacent Year, Month, and Day values using SAS #4: Inputting a Data file with record length &gt; 80 using SAS #5: Macro for outputting tab- or comma-delimited data using SAS #6: Removing duplicate observations in a SAS dataset #7: SAS Linesize option #8: Catching data entry errors with SAS #9: Creating a counter variable in SAS #10: SAS chi-square test of indepdence and the phi coefficient #11: Computing a Kappa statistic using SAS #13: Using the SAS KEEP &amp; DROP Statements #15: Percentile ranks with SAS #16: SAS/GRAPH scatter plots of predicted values #17: Selection of a random subset of data in SAS #18: Formatting dates for output in SAS #19: SAS error codes #20: File relationships in SAS #21: Plot size settings in PROC PLOT #22: Variable labels in SAS #23: Summing variables with missing data in SAS #24: Data as percentages in SAS #25: Appending mean values to each observation in SAS #26: Confirmatory factor analysis using SAS #27: Pagesize option in SAS #28: Plotting a regression line using SAS/GRAPH #29: Internal consistency statistics using SAS #30: Missing F-ratios and P-values in SAS GLM ANOVA #31: Transfer of SAS datasets #32: Uncompressing .Z files within SAS #33: SAS missing values #34: Reading hierarchical raw data files #35: Difficulties updating my license for SAS 6.12 for Macintosh #36: Using SAS Macro Language #37: Jacknife regression using SAS #38: Reading in a subset of cases in SAS #39: Reading variable-length character strings into SAS #40: Testing homogeneity of cell covariance matrices with SAS #41: Special characters in SAS variable name #43: Repeated measures ANOVA with SAS PROC GLM #44: Hierarchical Regression Using SAS #45: Identifying nonmatches in a SAS match MERGE #47: Confidence intervals for cross-tabulated frequencies in SAS #48: One-way ANOVA from summary statistics #49: Overlaid lines in SAS/GRAPH #50: Superimposed SAS/GRAPH plot #51: PC SAS/GRAPH device names #52: Printing color output from SAS/GRAPH #53: SAS test of marginal homogeneity #54: Debugging SAS code #55: SAS System Options in the UNIX environment #56: Removing centering and header information #57: Mean substitution for missing values in SAS #58: Placement of IF statements in SAS #59: Counting occurrences of patterns in SAS character-valued data #60: SAS cell chi-square test #61: Overlay of histogram with Normal probability plot using SAS #62: Reading compressed SAS transport files #63: Replacing missing data from a second file #64: Calling SAS macros on UNIX systems #65: Using an array in SAS to detect missing values #66: Customizing PROC PRINT output in SAS #67: Generating random numbers with SAS #68: Recoding variable values into missing values in SAS #69: Three dimensional plotting with SAS #70: Using the POINT and NOBS options with the SAS SET statement #71: Displaying SAS output in Word #72: One-to-many dataset merging with SAS #73: Changing SAS output delimiter #74: Generating design matrices in SAS #75: SAS output of greater than 132 columns #76: Formatting SAS data #77: Computing an Intraclass Correlation using SAS #78: Inputting missing data using SAS #79: Counting if a condition is satisfied #80: Duplicating observations using SAS #81: FATAL: Unable to initialize work library on SAS for UNIX #82: Creating a SAS data set from an MS Excel spreadsheet (MS Windows) #83: Creating a lead or lag variable using SAS #84: Combining multiple lines into one using SAS #85: Testing equality of slopes for two repeated measures variables in SAS #86: Numbers and a ruler in the SAS program editor #87: Creating an Excel spreadsheet from a SAS data set #88: Converting SAS multivariate repeated measures data to univariate format #89: Updating the SAS System license #90: SAS out of memory #91: Creating a SAS data set from an MS Excel spreadsheet (Macintosh) #92: Creating a SAS data set from an ascii file #93: Reverse scoring survey items using SAS #94: Contrast coding using PROC MIXED #95: SAS license updates for Macintosh #96: Extracting cases with a given string from SAS #97: Multilevel model ICC using PROC MIXED #98: Fitting a multilevel model using PROC MIXED #99: Fitting a three level multilevel model using PROC MIXED #100: Simple versus weighted kappa from SAS PROC FREQ #101: Plotting regression lines of best fit for multiple groups using SAS #102: Rotating Axis labels in PROC GPLOT #103: Reading SAS times and dates #104: Custom within-subjects contrasts using PROC GLM #105: Creating an episode splitting variable in SAS #106: Univariate to multivariate data transposition in SAS #107: Decomposing interactions using SAS #108: Post-hoc tests in a crosstabulation table using SAS #109: Identifying the last completed measure using SAS #110: SAS 8 Compatibility with Windows #111: SAS 8.1 for Windows Failure to Update License #112: Printing RTF files in landscape mode #113: Plotting multilevel model data<BR>#114: Correcting Setinit Problems When Installing SAS 8.2  #115: Installing SAS 8.2 #116: Accessing SAS on the ITS UNIX time sharing servers #117: Installing SAS 9.1.3 for Windows #118: Problem Resolution for Installing SAS 9.1.3 for Windows

lisrel 发表于 2011-7-2 23:18

<STRONG>Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:</STRONG>  <STRONG>SPSS <br></STRONG> #1: Change in R-Square using SPSS for Windows <br> #2: Increasing Memory Size on SPSS for UNIX <br> #3: Using Templates with SPSS Windows <br> #4: Intraclass correlation from SPSS Windows <br> #5: Creating a counter variable in SPSS <br> #6: Binomial probabilities using SPSS <br> #7: Setting blanks equal to user-specified values in SPSS <br> #8: Creating an ascii file from an SPSS data file <br> #9: Contingency tables and the test of independence in SPSS <br> #10: Calculating change in years in SPSS <br> #11: Exporting SPSS/Mac system files to other systems <br> #12: Checking SPSS data with LIST <br> #13: Tukey's test for additivity in repeated measures designs <br> #14: Formatting SPSS FACTOR output <br> #15: Dummy-coded categorical variables for SPSS REGRESSION <br> #16: Repeated measures post-hoc comparisons using SPSS <br> #17: Selecting cases randomly with SPSS <br> #18: SPSS/Mac on PowerMac: Failure of SPSS Processor <br> #19: Producing an SPSS variable that has group mean values <br> #20: Sums of variable lists in SPSS <br> #21: SPSS univariate vs.multivariate tests of repeated measures ANOVA <br> #22: Obtaining one-tailed p-values <br> #23: Performing an MDS analysis with SPSS <br> #24: Fitting a polynomial with SPSS MANOVA <br> #25: Non-linear regression (negative exponential) with SPSS <br> #26: Converting SPSS multivariate repeated measures data to univariate format <br> #27: Solid black pages from printed SPSS graphs <br> #28: Identifying variables and cases with missing data <br> #29: Converting missing values to numeric using SPSS <br> #30: Using SPSS LOGISTIC to create a predicted category membership variable <br> #31: Interaction contrasts in SPSS <br> #32: Testing H0: Homogenous regression slopes <br> #33: Computing ANOVAS from summary stats with SPSS <br> #34: Correlating factor loadings from separate samples using SPSS <br> #35: Plotting separate regression lines for each subject <br> #36: Intercept in SPSS MANOVA contrast <br> #37: Updating the license for SPSS for Windows <br> #38: Having SPSS write temporary data files to a non-default location <br> #39: SPSS test of homogenous regression slopes with repeated measures data <br> #40: Adjusted means from SPSS MANOVA in a repeated measures with grouping factor <br> #41: Installing SPSS 8.0 on Windows NT 4.0 Workstation on a non-C:\Partition <br> #42: SPSS installation difficulties/SPSS CONJOINT module <br> #43: Creating an MS Excel spreadsheet from an SPSS data file <br> #44: Creating an SPSS data file from an MS Excel spreadsheet <br> #45: Scoring exam scores using SPSS <br> #46: Counting like columns in SPSS <br> #47: Installing SPSS 6 on an Apple iMac <br> #48: Transforming univariate data to multivariate data using SPSS <br> #49: Converting a string variable to a date in SPSS <br> #50: Decomposing interactions using SPSS <br> #51: Importing Database Files Into SPSS 10 <br> #52: Installing SPSS 13 or SPSS 14 <br> #53: Installing the SPSS 13.01 Patch  <p align="right"></p>

lisrel 发表于 2011-7-2 23:23


dataanlysis 发表于 2011-7-2 23:28


lisrel 发表于 2011-7-2 23:33

<p>thank you</p><p></p>

pabbs 发表于 2011-7-2 23:38

thank you

潜变量分析 发表于 2011-7-2 23:43


考博论坛 发表于 2011-7-2 23:48


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