<i>1) LISREL attempts to account for observed covariances, whereas PLS aims at explaining variances. </i><br /> <i>2) LISREL offers statistical precision in the context of stringent assumptions; PLS trade parameter efficiency for prediction accuracy, simplicity, and fewer assumptions. </i><br /> <i>3) Both models treat measurement residuals, but in different ways. PLS separates out “irrelevant” variance from the structural portion of the model; LISREL combines specific variance and measurement error into a single estimate and adjusts for attenuation. </i><br /> <i>4) LISREL requires relatively large samples for accurate estimation and relatively few variables and constructs for convergence; PLS is applicable to small samples in estimation as well as testing and appears to converge quickly even for large models with many variables and constructs. (</i>Fornel and Bookstein,1982, <i>p.450</i><i>)</i> </p><p> </p> thanks very very much It is my pleasure~<strong> 2# <i>hanzhehan</i> </strong> too expensive 我卖的没有不值钱的 呵呵,不错的好东西,国内很少有人注意二者的区别 有没有中文文献呢,英文看不懂哦 thank you very much for distinguishing the lisrel and pls 英文的看看<br /> 谢谢分享啊 tai gui le ,,,页: