<p>我在运行amos之后</p><p>出现了</p><h5 h="771">The following covariance matrix is not positive definite (Group number 1 - Default model)</h5><colgroup><col></col><col></col><col></col><col></col><col></col><col></col><col></col><col></col></colgroup>jscxnlqywhwzjcrlzyglzdzzjgzzzljscxnl.21qywh.12.41wzjc.08.20.14rlzy.请教高手,我该检查哪些项目?或者做怎样的修正? <p>"The model is probably unidentified. In order to achieve identifiability, it will probably be necessary to impose 1 additional constraint".</p><p>请问遇到这种情况该怎么办?</p><p>跪求赐教!</p> <p>请教:数据点怎么数?(</p> <strong> 1# <i>jylhit</i> </strong> <br /> <br /> <br /> 1. 1.可否提供 correlation matrix來判斷!<br /> 2. 2.以下是德州大學的統計諮詢中心的FAQ存檔資料,提供您參考!http://ssc.utexas.edu/consulting/answers/lisrel/lisrel3.htmlLISREL FAQ #3: Covariance matrix not positive definite<br /> Question:When I run my data I get an error message that states that my covariance matrix is not positive definite. I have searched the LISREL book that I have and it doesn't provide any explanation for this error message. <br /> Answer:This message generally means one or more of the following things is happening:<br /> 1) There are redundancies among the correlation matrices- in other words, some of the correlations may be a linear function of some of the other correlations.<br /> You can fix this by removing the redundant variables or collecting more data. <br /> 2) Your model may be estimating more parameters than you have degrees of freedom to use. You can check this by examining how many degrees of freedom you have and the number of parameters you are estimating. <br /> The formula for calculating the number of degrees of freedom available to you is <i>q(q+1)/2</i>, where <i>q</i> is the number of measured variables. If you have 9 measured variables, then you must estimate, (9(9+1)/2 = 45), less than 45 parameters. As part of its standard output, LISREL will count the number of parameters it estimates. The difference between the number of estimable parameters and the number of estimated parameters is the number of degrees of freedom used in the chi-square test by LISREL (the first chi-square test to appear on the printout, not the Independence Model chi-square test). <br /> 3) LISREL is not correctly reading the raw data, correlation matrix, or covariance matrix. Alternatively, you may be inputting a correlation or covariance matrix which is based on incorrectly read raw data values via PRELIS, SPSS, or another program which has the capability to convert raw data into correlation or covariance matrix form.<br /> 4) You computed a covariance or correlation matrix using pairwise deletion of missing data. The solution here is to use a different method of handling missing data.<br /> Be sure to check the accuracy of the raw data, correlation, or covariance matrices before you proceed further with your analyses. <strong> 2# <i>jylhit</i> </strong> 你好,请问你的问题解决了吗?可否加我QQ314113051,帮我解决一下。 参考http://bbs.pinggu.org/dispbb ... d=464747&page=4 要看是什么具体原因造成矩阵非正定。<br /> <br /> 1、可能数据输入有误,出现极端数据。解决方法是检查数据。<br /> <br /> 2、问卷设计不合理,变量关系混乱。解决方法是重新设计问卷,合并问题。<br /> <br /> 3、问卷数据质量太差,被调查人回答问题太随意,极端值多。解决方法,检查问卷,删除不合格问卷。<br /> <br /> 4、数据变量间高度线性相关。解决方法是检查数据,删除高度相关问卷。<br /> <br /> 5、程序估计初始值不合理。解决方法是自行输入初始值。<br /> <br /> 本文来自: 人大经济论坛 LISREL、AMOS等结构方程模型分析软件 版,详细出处参考:http://bbs.pinggu.org/viewth ... amp;from^^uid=1508435页: